Late April to mid-May
In the early season in the Niseko area, central Hokkaido and southern Hokkaido, the new greenery of the mountain streams begins to sprout. The main target is brown trout. It is too early for aquatic insects, so it is best to swing wet flies or small streamers.
Using a line designed for single-handed trout spey fishing,
It is best to fish at a good pace.

What is Brown Trout here?
Brown trout are targeted and tend to grow large, with 50cm being the average.
Only few stream holds Brown, new rerese is eregal.

Compatible Fly
Various wet flies. Not only do they look like emergers of aquatic insects, but their slender silhouettes in the water make them look like aquatic creatures such as small fish, frogs, and tadpoles. Weighted types are also often used.

How to FlyFish
This is called swing fishing.
Cast the fly downstream on the opposite bank and let the trout chase the line and the fly across the current to hit it. If you actually try it, you will see that the hit lane is directly downstream of you, after the speed of the fly crossing the current has slowed down.
Apart from the individual swings, there is another fishing method where you drop the fly upstream of the target point and let it drift straight downstream. This is the same style as nymphing, and like nymphing, it is often difficult to tell when you have been hit. It is just a case of using a spey for casting, but it is an interesting fishing method in its own right.

Tokachi Option
From mid-May onwards, wet fly fishing in the tributaries of Tokachi (where there is little meltwater) becomes fun.
There are rainbow trout and a few brown trout,
Rainbow trout respond best to those that have just spawned and are in good condition.
They're not as worn out as they are in the peak season, so they respond well to wet water.